The first season of The Cleveland Show, an American Animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane, began airing on September 27, 2009, and ended after 21 episodes on May 23, 2010. Production of the 22 episode season began in May 2008 and was expected to begin broadcast in January 2009 but was later pushed back to September 2009. The DVD was released as a "Complete Season" featuring all of the aired episodes. It was released in the Region 1 on September 28, 2010, and was released in the Region 2 on October 11, 2010.
1 | Pilot | 22 minutes | Watch |
2 | Da Doggone Daddy-Daughter Dinner Dance | 22 minutes | Watch |
3 | The One About Friends | 22 minutes | Watch |
4 | Birth of a Salesman | 22 minutes | Watch |
5 | Cleveland Jr.'s Cherry Bomb | 22 minutes | Watch |
6 | Ladies' Night | 22 minutes | Watch |
7 | A Brown Thanksgiving | 22 minutes | Watch |
8 | From Bed to Worse | 22 minutes | Watch |
9 | A Cleveland Brown Christmas | 22 minutes | Watch |
10 | Field of Streams | 22 minutes | Watch |
11 | Love Rollercoaster | 22 minutes | Watch |
12 | Our Gang | 22 minutes | Watch |
13 | Buried Pleasure | 22 minutes | Watch |
14 | The Curious Case of Jr. Working at the Stool | 22 minutes | Watch |
15 | Once Upon a Tyne in New York | 22 minutes | Watch |
16 | The Brown Knight | 22 minutes | Watch |
17 | Gone With the Wind | 22 minutes | Watch |
18 | Brotherly Love | 22 minutes | Watch |
19 | Brown History Month | 22 minutes | Watch |
20 | Cleveland's Angels | 22 minutes | Watch |
21 | You're the Best Man, Cleveland Brown | 22 minutes | Watch |
download The Cleveland Show, Season 1
download The Cleveland Show, Season 1
download The Cleveland Show, Season 1
download The Cleveland Show, Season 1